Lessons from 1 Samuel: Sinful Humans and a Sovereign God

    The nation of Israel was in a spiritual drought in most of 1 Samuel. Throughout this book of the Bible, one can see a corrupt nation slowly start to turn their hearts to God. You see people searching for a king while the one true King is pursuing their hearts the entire time. The end of this book displays the devastating personal and public effects of sin while also displaying the sovereignty of God. The Old Testament often feels foreign and unrelatable to the modern day believer of Christ, including myself. However, while studying 1 Samuel I could see the sinful nature of these biblical characters mirroring my own heart.…

  • FOOD


    If baking was a love language, then it would be mine! I have experimented with a couple different lemon cookie recipes lately and these are by far my FAVORITE!! If you are looking for a perfect pool-side snack or sweet treat for the lake then these cookies are perfect for you. If you aren’t a big lemon fan you can substitute the lemon pudding mix for your favorite flavor (strawberry, chocolate, pistachio, etc.). If you do substitute the pudding mix flavor, then substitute the lemon extract for vanilla. Feel free to download and print this recipe and make them for yourself and for your loved ones! Enjoy!



    A little over a month ago I moved to Russellville, Arkansas to start a new chapter of life at Arkansas Tech. For a creature of habit and consistency, this change of pace has been full of many unexpected blessings and challenges. Literally every earthly thing about life is different now. Friends. Food. Hobbies. Routines. Everything is changing. While many aspects of my life are changing this Fall, the one thing that remains the same is God and his continual love and grace for me. During this season of change, my biggest challenge has been time management. Being on my own has forced me to create my own schedule and manage…

  • dorm diaries:

    DORM NEEDS: essential and not so essential items

    Hi! The past few months I have been eagerly preparing for this new chapter of life as I start college. I am beyond excited to watch God’s plan continue to unravel and I look forward to all of the next adventures I have ahead of me. As I’ve been preparing for college, I have made one too many trips to Tj-maxx and Target to get everything I need to move out this Fall. I have been adding to the list as I’ve been shopping and I think I have finally made a master list that includes most of the stuff I need (and want). Feel free to print this list…



         Our relationship with the Lord can always be improved and we should be seeking spiritual growth in our walk with Christ daily! When we feel comfortable in our faith is when the Devil tries to sneak in and attack us from growing our relationship and spreading our love for Christ. We are all at different levels within our relationship, but that doesn’t mean that anyone’s relationship is stronger than others. The thing that is so fascinating about growing our relationship with Christ is that there are soooo many ways to do so. God created us all differently so there is no perfect way to worship or serve him. We were…



    A new school year can mean a new start for all of us!!! This new school year, no matter what grade you are entering can be a chance for you to make a change in yourself and your surroundings. Sometimes I feel like we all get in a habit of finding the bad in people instead of the good. We all like to point out people’s faults because it makes us feel better about our self. Instead of tearing people down this year we need to build each other up and encourage one another!!! I want us to all stop finding the bad in our peers and start finding the…



    Sometimes I feel like I get completely stressed out about my future and succeeding in this temporary world. I get so wrapped up in day to day life and the material things that I don’t realize that I have a Heavenly Father that already has my whole life planned out for me!!! PROVERBS 20:24 “A person’s steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand their own way”. We will never be able to comprehend what God has in store for us, but I do know we have no reason to worry about our future. Our first step is to trust God’s plan. We may not like it,…


    BE YOU

    I want to start off my third blog with a quote I found the other day   —> “no one is you and that is your power”  God created each of us in his own image according to Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”  He created us all equal in his eyes and loves each of us exactly the same. But God didn’t create us to be exactly the same and he didn’t create us to be perfect (that’s why he sent his son to die on the cross for us) God created each…

  • Uncategorized


    As children of God, we live in a sinful world that strives for perfection. Whether we are trying to please God, ourselves, or others, we make every effort to create what we think is a “perfect” life. We strive to be a spouse that loves deeply. We strive to be the parent that knows the balance of discipline and grace. We strive to be a child of God that abides by His commands. We strive to be perfect in every relationship whether it is with God, friends, co-workers, children, or siblings. In our strife for perfection, we attempt to always say the right thing filled with wisdom and truth. We…



    When you hear the word worship what do you think of? For me my mind associates worship with singing and raising our hands to glorify our God. Worship can be found in believers singing together before the sermon is given at church. Worship can be seen through the songs on the radio in the car ride on the way to work or school. Worship can be found in so many places, but I feel like we are missing out on the true definition of worship and what it looks like. While worship encompasses the songs we listen to and sing out, it is so much more than that. Worship is…



    At the beginning of the year I think it is a great idea to choose a word that you can hold on to each day. Resolutions and goals are great, but choosing a specific word for the year can be a gentle reminder of your intentions and purpose. For some people they choose a word for themselves such as “joy” or “purpose” to reflect upon throughout the year. Often times it is very hard to choose a word that you want to hold onto, especially when we have no idea what the future will hold. So when it comes time to choose a word, I think it is important to…



    Sometimes the hardest part of our day is resisting the urge to click the snooze button and making the choice to put our feet on the floor to start the day. We dread getting out of our cozy bed. It’s moments like this where we question “Why do I even have to get up?”. We wonder “What would it hurt if I just laid in bed all day”. While it’s very nice to have a lazy day every once in a while, we are called to do so much more than binge watch Netflix and snack on popcorn and candy all day. Every morning that we wake up is a…



    Hi! If you are new to reading this blog then welcome, and if you have been here before welcome back! I am so glad you are here, because God has brought you here for a reason. One of the many things that is so great about the word of God is that it is living and can be incorporated and lived out through any individual that has a relationship with Christ. No matter what age, individuals can open God’s word and close it feeling inspired. It’s what we do with that inspiration and encouragement that matters. Do you just take it in or do you feel led to go spread…

  • FOOD

    my go-to (healthyish) coffee orders

    Coffee is definitely my love language and what better way to spread love then share my go to coffee orders. This past March, I became a barista at Petit Jean Coffeehouse and have loved making new creations and trying new drinks. I used to be the type of person who ordered a caramel macchiato at every single coffee shop all year round (cringe). That order got old and so did the extra calories! I like to spice up my coffee and go for the healthier option. To lighten up my favorite coffee order, I substitute almond milk for regular milk. I also go for sugar free syrups when available to…